About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Review of Communication Research is an open-access academic journal that publishes comprehensive and authoritative literature reviews and meta-analyses of the current state of the main topics and the most significant developments in the field of Communication. These comprehensive critical reviews will summarize the latest advances in the field, but also will root out errors and will provoke intellectual discussions among scholars.

The journal seeks both evaluative (systematic literature reviews, narrative literature reviews, state-of-the literature articles) and quantitative (meta-analyses) papers that make a state of the art of issues in scientific communication. Integrative review articles that connect different areas of research are of special interest.

An Open-Access Journal with the Highest Quality

Review of Communication Research aims to present the best reviews and meta-analyses in the discipline, written but the most talented scholars, and to be open-access, which allows access to knowledge to every scholar and high visibility of the articles we publish.

RCR ranks in Q1 in the three Scopus journal rankings (CiteScore, SNIP, SJR) and Q1 in JCI (Journal Citation Index) by  Clarivate Analytics.

Peer Review Process

At RCR, we run a double-blind peer review plus an open peer review to assure the highest quality of our publications.

The purpose of the review process is to give an expert opinion regarding the quality of the manuscript being considered. The review process should provide the authors with information on how to improve the article and make it publishable in a first-line journal. Therefore, the reviewer's task is to help the authors to improve their paper. Reviewers can sign the published article or stay blind, as they wish. At RCR, we believe that having their name in the published article is the best way to give credit for the reviewers' work. We are open to give credits to the reviewers through other means too. Please, let us know.

We urge reviewers to be rigorous and to write all comments with respect, as they would like others to write about them.

Publication Frequency

RCR publishes one volume a year in January. However, the journal implements a continuous publication model. This means that articles are being published as each individual article completes production. The articles are assigned to the present volume or the following volume according to the time of the year when they are published.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.